There have been a ton of reviews about the Will and Grace series rival.
I loved the original show and like this one too. The reviews I’ve read have spoken about how the series ignored its finale. That was the only thing I was disappointed with.
However, once you get past that, it’s a good show. People have read into it political overtones.
I thought they were pretty balanced. You have the Karen character being pro-Trump. The Grace character being pro-dems, but her loyalty is up for sale to support her business. Will compromising his politics to hook up with someone he ideologically disagrees. And Jack is “Just Jack.”
In addition, critics challenged the show’s ability to serve a more advanced thinking audience and that the self-centered characters don’t adapt to current times.
Who thinks that much about a situation comedy. The characters haven’t changed. No kidding. If they did, it’d be a different show.