An Easter Story – That’s Unusual

An Easter Story – That’s Unusual – But Short

Like many families, each Easter an egg hunt was part of the holiday.  Usually, we would put out real eggs and hollow plastic eggs with candy inside.  Sometimes the eggs were inside and outside and every other combination you can think of.  However, one year, it didn’t go exactly as planned.  Thus, an Easter story – That’s unusual.  Warning .. this story is not for all audiences.

On one particular Easter, about 15 years ago, the eggs were all put outside before little ones were even awake.  Upon awaking, there was no immediate interest in  going outside to search for eggs.

However, looking outside to determine a game plan for finding the eggs was definitely of interest.

As I put the eggs out, I had to shew away a squirrel.  As we looked out the window, you could see the squirrel was back.  So I opened the door clapped my hands and the squirrel was gone.

The Squirrel Came Back – Again and Again

After finding different ways to scare him (or her) off, we gave up.  Now the squirrel kept going to the same plastic egg on a tree V over and over.

We had breakfast; got dressed; and were ready to go out.  Upon going outside, the squirrel ran up the tree.

The plastic egg he was nibbling on; he successfully gnawed through.  From what we could tell, he most likely ate plastic and chocolate.

And Then it Happened

The squirrel started shaking and swirling on the upper branch.  His heart was visibly heaving. Then, it squeaked and fell into the road.  Yes, either we killed the squirrel or it coincidently had a heart attack.

My guess is .. we were responsible.   But, let’s hope not.

The Aftermath

Well that ended the egg hunt.  We went inside.  After a bit, there was curiosity.  So to the window we went and there lay the squirrel.

Now I’m wondering if I should get the squirrel; put it in a bag and throw it in the garbage.

Before I could decide, there was a renewed interest in the egg hunt.

But, once outside, the actual interest was going to look at the squirrel.


So, there we stood looking at the squirrel.  With baskets in hand, there were two eggs collected followed by two looks at the squirrel.

At that point, it felt like getting back into the house was the best idea.

Missing Squirrel

No matter what we did; the window was visited every so often to look at the squirrel.  And then, it was gone.

We have no idea where it went.  It absolutely was dead.  It had eaten plastic, which had to not digest and very likely harmed organs.  On top of that, the squirrel ate chocolate.  That easily must have caused a heart attack.

So it has remains a mystery.

As Time Goes By — An Easter Story

At first the story was .. remember the Easter when the squirrel disappeared.  This changed to … remember the Easter when we were more interested in the squirrel than candy.  And finally, remember the Easter, when mom killed the squirrel.

This is the most popular of Easter memories.  If you mention Easter, this is the story that is shared.

So, Happy Easter, no matter what your past or present Easter memories or traditions are; or the most challenging ones where food was burned or people were at odds; you can always say, at least I didn’t kill a squirrel.

Please pray for the mysterious squirrel, enjoy your Easter or tell me an Easter story that makes mine look as if it’s not so bad.

If you like the story, please share it.

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